Can these sentient beings be considered food? How are they different from factory farm animals?

This website, inspired by my personal journey, transcends my individual story to highlight the lives and experiences of voiceless animals who endure the full brunt of human insensitivity. Have you ever been struck by a lightning bolt? Though I haven't, I know exactly how it feels. My epiphany came while I was researching an unrelated topic online and stumbled upon information about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China, also known as The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival. Held annually during the summer solstice in Yulin, Guangxi, this festival involves the consumption of dog meat and lychees. Since its inception in 2009, it spans about ten days, during which thousands of dogs, and sometimes cats, are consumed. Initially, I dismissed the gruesome details as sensationalized content, perhaps fabricated to shock readers. The images and descriptions seemed too horrific to be real: dogs dunked alive in boiling water or oil, crammed into small, rusty cages, killed in front of customers, and skinned corpses hanging upside down, still dripping with blood. But as I delved deeper, my skepticism gave way to an expanded, and mercilessly etched, view of reality. This festival was not only real but represented a widespread practice throughout Asia, involving an estimated thirty million dogs and ten million cats annually. Further research revealed that China banned the slaughtering and trade of dog and cat meat in 2020, citing immense animal suffering and the risk of disease epidemics such as rabies and cholera. Despite this, the sense of relief was short-lived. An article published by Humane Society International on June 5, 2023, carried the disheartening headline: “Ahead of China’s Yulin dog meat ‘festival,’ a new survey reveals fewer than 20% of Yulin residents oppose a dog and cat meat ban, and 70% say a ban would have no significant impact on their lives.” They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can attest otherwise. The second bolt hit me harder, within twenty minutes of my initial reading. My feelings of shock, anger, and helplessness over the fate of those dogs and cats returned with a startling realization: I was one of the “festival” participants. Every time I bought an animal product from the supermarket, I was complicit in the same cruelty, just to different sentient beings. I had grown up in a culture that normalized this behavior, and with every purchase, I endorsed the practices of the meat industry. Through my research, I discovered that consuming animal products is a choice, not a necessity. I wish I had realized this sooner. It is my sincere hope that my story sparks a moment of soul-searching for you, prompting reflection on the countless animals whose voices remain unheard.

Why does the picture above shock most people, but not the picture below.

My Mission

My mission is unwavering: to shed light on the plight of animals through informed dialogue, passionate activism, and comprehensive education. I seek to unveil the depth of suffering animals endure and challenge the pervasive exploitation of our planet’s sentient inhabitants. Through my endeavors, I hope to inspire a profound shift in human consciousness, pushing forward a world where animals are free from the bounds of human exploitation.

My Values

  • Empathy & Awareness: At the heart of my mission lies a deep empathy for all sentient beings. I believe in awakening a collective awareness about the true cost of our choices, be it from the perspective of animal welfare or the larger ecological footprint.
  • Education & Enlightenment: I am committed to dispelling myths and misconceptions about animal consumption. Through informed dialogue and research-backed information, I aim to educate the masses on the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.
  • Integrity & Authenticity: My journey started with a personal revelation, and I pledge to maintain transparency, honesty, and authenticity in all our endeavors, ensuring our audience receives genuine insights and knowledge.
  • Activism & Advocacy: Beyond passive knowledge-sharing, I am passionate advocate for animal rights. I continuously work towards creating platforms and opportunities for dialogue, aiming to inspire change in both individual choices and larger systemic practices.
  • Global Perspective: While my inspiration may have roots in specific incidents or regions, my vision is global. We understand that every culture and society has its own unique relationship with animals, and we approach our advocacy with respect, understanding, and a desire to bridge gaps, but never deviating from my core values.
  • Evolution & Growth: As I grow, I commit to evolving, learning, and expanding my horizons. I am always open to new information, research, and perspectives, ensuring that my advocacy is always aligned with the latest in ethical and scientific thinking that no animal should ever be exploited, mistreated, killed, or eaten by humans.
  • Collaboration & Unity: I believe in the power of community. By fostering collaborations and building partnerships, I aim to create a united front in my pursuit of a more compassionate world, amplifying the impact manifold.