Carnism: The Unspoken Religion of Modern Society

Carnism: The Unspoken Religion of Modern Society

In today’s world, where science and technology are at the forefront of change, a silent, pervasive belief system influences the lives of millions without their conscious acknowledgment. This belief system, or rather, this ‘religion’, as I dare to call it, is carnism – the ideology that conditions people to consume animal products.

Most individuals assert that they are not bound by religious ties, considering themselves free from the shackles of unfounded beliefs. However, a closer examination of their daily choices, particularly in terms of diet, reveals a different story. Just as followers of traditional religions adhere to certain practices and doctrines, so too do adherents of carnism follow a set of unspoken rules and rituals, often without questioning the underlying truths.

The Dogma of Necessity and Tradition

Many people eat animals under the pretense of necessity. They’ve been taught that animal products are essential for health and well-being, despite mounting scientific evidence to the contrary. Others consume meat and dairy simply because it’s what they’ve always done; it’s a tradition passed down through generations, unquestioned and unchallenged. Like the followers of any religion, they participate in rituals—barbecues, Thanksgiving dinners, fishing trips—rituals steeped in the belief that eating animals is natural, necessary, and normal.

Blind Faith Versus Open Inquiry

Religion, in its essence, is about belief—choosing to believe in something, often in the absence of empirical evidence. Similarly, carnism thrives on unexamined beliefs. It’s a system supported not by facts but by tradition, emotion, and misinformation. In contrast, science encourages questioning, skepticism, and evidence-based conclusions. If we approached our diets with the same critical scrutiny that we apply to other areas of our lives, we might find our beliefs about animal consumption lacking justification.

The High Price of Unquestioned Beliefs

The cost of this unexamined belief system is staggeringly high. Animals suffer indescribably, subjected to conditions and fates that most of us would not wish on our worst enemies. But the price is not paid by animals alone; environmental degradation, health crises, and ethical dilemmas are the direct consequences of our collective choice to adhere to carnistic principles.

The Reaction to Confrontation

When confronted with facts that challenge their beliefs, both religious individuals and carnistic adherents often become defensive. This defensiveness is a natural human response to cognitive dissonance—the discomfort experienced when confronted with information that contradicts our deeply held beliefs. However, it is precisely this discomfort that prompts growth and change. By facing the facts head-on, we open ourselves to the possibility of a more ethical, sustainable, and compassionate way of living.

Towards a More Conscious Choice

Questioning carnism does not mean condemning those who follow its practices. Most of us were born into this system, and stepping away from its norms is a process that requires courage, compassion, and critical thinking. It’s about making informed choices rather than following the herd—pun intended. It’s about aligning our actions with our values, rather than blindly adhering to a set of traditions handed down to us without our consent.


In the end, whether we label carnism as a religion or not, the important thing is to bring its doctrines into the light, to question them, and to decide for ourselves whether they are worth upholding. Let us not live by blind faith, whether in deities or diets. Let us choose instead to live by values—compassion, sustainability, and health—values that stand up to scrutiny and that lead us towards a more ethical and thoughtful existence.

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